Current Homeowner
Welcome to the Habitat Lincoln Homebuyer Program!
Everyone deserves to have a decent, affordable place to call home. At Habitat Lincoln we work alongside you to build strength, stability, self-reliance and shelter. We empower you through education, resources and support to become successful first-time homeowners.
Your Mortgage Servicing
Habitat Lincoln has partnered with a Habitat affiliate based mortgage servicing company, Affiliate Mortgage Services (AMS). You will no longer make your payments to Habitat Lincoln or at the Habitat Lincoln office. AMS contact information is below:
Your payments should be sent to:
Affiliate Mortgage Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 772138
Detroit, MI 48277-2138
To contact them:
(800) 467-5430, ext. 1
To submit an insurance claim:
(855) 211-9692
To view your account online:
Habitat Lincoln is an Equal Housing Lender organization. Loan decisions are made without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap or familial status.